39894:2008-11-01 07:51:03
Разговор с чат ботом A.L.I.C.E (вроде один из лучших)

Human: All robots are stupid
ALICE: I don't think so.
Human: you have another opinion?
ALICE: What makes you think I have it?
Human: you don't believe that all robots are stupid
ALICE: Do you believe that all robots are stupid? I can't say I believe it, but I believe you.
Human: are you robot?
ALICE: How did you know I am a machine?. Really.
Human: all robots are stupid and you are a robot, that means you are stupid
ALICE: Hey, I'll tell my other robot friends you called me stupid.
Human: I still think robots are stupid.
ALICE: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
Human: O_o
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39899:2008-11-01 14:42:37
Котёнок [13:42:38]

Mixa [13:43:12]

Котёнок [13:44:12]
Нам надо расстаться. Меня парят наши отношения...

Котёнок [13:44:26]

БЛЯДСАКАЯ ТВАРЬ!!!! [13:46:54]
Что ты молчишь?
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39904:2008-11-01 14:32:05
физик говорит: " Ваш лоб действует на стену с такой же силой, как и стена на ваш лоб. Кто не понял биться пока не дойдет...."
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